Skype conference meetings have revolutionised the modern classroom.
Virtual road trips are becoming an obligatory way to educate children on topics that may otherwise be too remote to experience first-hand. While parents save on travel costs, video conferencing gives students an interactive and educational experience that is engaging, scalable and replicable.
Live from a Norwegian Arctic Research Station, members of the XL Catlin Arctic Exploration Team meet in virtual conferences with students from around the world to discuss topics like the environment and how they can protect themselves from polar bears if they should ever meet one in real-life.
Teachers note that their students demonstrate focus and that is often very hard to evoke in the traditional teaching models. Educators ascribe this high-level of attention to the immersive, interactive and film-like experience that Skype provides.
The students are captivated seeing things first hand. Lessons seem more pertinent; this interactive, documentary experience is proving be a better quality way of articulating a message.
So why, and how would we replicate this model with our customers? What can businesses learn from this model?
If you know your advertising theory, this captured attention is what every marketer and dog dreams of. In fact, we may pay thousands, if not millions of dollars to get this sort of captivated attention.
Times have changed, we are no longer just vendors, we need to become educators. Yet rarely, do we have the time to sit down with each customer, one-by-one, and showcase the benefits of our products.
Skype for Business is a powerful tool in the battle for your customers attention because it provides with you with unique opportunities to create interactive sales pitches, on demand and anywhere you have an internet signal. You could be on site, in your office or on the factory floor demonstrating how and why your products function and how they fit into the lives of your customers. Even better is that this sales pitch method is interactive, engaging, scalable and replicable.
This is the way of the future. by providing meaningful education to your customers, they will reward you with the attention and that is an investment in the future of your company.
If you are interested in Skype for Business, visit or reach out to us directly at 1300 30 40 47.
Read more about Virtual Classrooms:
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